1. Think about the many things we covered in class: blogs, wikis, presentations, Google Docs, Google spreadsheets, Picasa, podcasts, videocasts, YouTube, posts you read, PLNs, Twitter, other teachers and students outside of our region, comments4kids, iTunes, iTunesU, accessibility issues and the use of html tag modifiers to address some of those issues, who you are as a professional, Google forms, data bases, Google Earth, Delicious, ACCESS, ALEX, Foliotek, technological literacy, the future of schools, your "intellectual trail". Did I miss anything? Take each of these and consider what you learned and how or if it may or will be useful to you as a teacher. and as an individual in this "modern age." List what you learned and comment about it if appropriate. List as many things as you can think of. If you did not learn anything from this class, say so. I hope, however, that was not the case.
You left out Skype! I learned much from this class. Here are a few of the concepts that I will most likely continue to use...
I enjoyed learning how to blog. It was very interesting and a great way to stay connected with others.
Using Google Docs, Presentations, Forms, and Spreadsheets was also very helpful. Before this class I was unaware that Google offered these programs.
I used to think that YouTube was just a place for “funny videos”. I guess I was wrong. YouTube is also a place for learning things in which I didn't know about.
I really enjoyed Comments4kids. I was excited about reading post from younger children and giving them my opinion. I hope they were excited as I was when they read the comments.
iTunes University was very interesting to learn about. I did not know that it had features where you can listen to a professor's lecture. It excites me even more knowing that it will be used here at South Alabama next semester.
I enjoyed writing my professional blog. It really made me think about who I am and who I want to be as a professional.
I am glad that I learned how to use Delicious. I think this website is going to be very useful to me in the future.
ACCESS and ALEX were two websites that I feel will be helpful in the future. I am glad this was a requirement to read and write a post about each!
I really enjoyed using Skype. I was able to Skype a few of my classmates when needing help for assignments. I am also able to connect with some of my family members from around the world. My aunt (who is in the Air Force) recently went to Korea. There she cannot use a cellular phone. We contact each other via Skype!
2.Are there things you would like to have learned in this class but did not?
No, this class met my expectations.
3.Are there things you learned in this class but wish you had not (and you will try and forget them or not use them as soon as possible)?
I am glad I learned the things that I learned. Some of them will probably slip my mind in the future but not intentionally.
4.Did this class excite you in any way? I mean excite, as opposed to "was useful" or "was interesting" or "I did it"? If No, say that. If Yes, tell me what excited you, why, and how.
To tell you the truth, I was not excited about coming to this class. Sometimes, I felt lost. I really did not know what was going on at the time.
5.Did you find anything in this class to be particularly "intellectually challenging"? If so, what? Why do you think it was "intellectually challenging"?
The podcasts and videocasts were a bit challenging for me. Mainly because I did not know how to approach the assignments. Once I understood things a little more. I was okay.
6.Were you bored by this class at any time? If so, what bored you and how might that be corrected?
I was bored at times mainly because I did not know what was going on at times.
7.Would you change this course in any way (add things/delete things or anything else)? If so, give me your suggestions. Since I am always changing this course I could use your input!
In my opinion, there were too many blogpost to do. Other than that, I wouldn't change much!
8.Are you Technologically Literate at the moment? To what extent? Low Some Medium Good Great
I would say that I am somewhat Technological Literate. I believe I have a long way to go.
9.How will you maintain or improve your technological literacy between now and the time you graduate? … the time you start teaching?
I will continue to use my PLN and learn from others. When I start teaching I plan to incorporate everything that we learned from Google into my classroom!
I left out Skype. How could I? I am glad that you are finding Skype useful!
ReplyDeleteIf you are ever confused, don't understand something, or just want more information - ASK! Remember the quote: "I don't know. Let's find out." And Let's involves more than one person!
You thought there were too many blog posts required. And I had a hard time not adding more. You are not the only person who has raised the issue of workload. Here is what I wrote on Margaret Hines's blog: "As far as the workload goes, you should expect that you have to spend about about two times as much time outside of class as you do in class. Many of our students work full time or have family responsibilities that make a full load very difficult. But I am certain you would not want your educational opportunities watered down just because many students have external obligations. "